A Heartfelt Plea: Rescue for a Pregnant and Malnourished Dog

On a beautiful afternoon, Associazione Ohana and her family were enjoying a scenic drive through the countryside. As they navigated a narrow dirt road, a thin, malnourished dog suddenly appeared, chasing their car and barking desperately for help. Associazione Ohana’s heart was touched by the sight, prompting them to immediately stop and investigate the situation.


When they got out of the car, they saw that the dog was very pregnant and seemed to be in trouble. His fur was matted and covered in ticks. Associazione Ohana knew it had to help, so it approached the dog slowly, trying to calm her down. To her surprise, the dog was very kind and allowed Associazione Ohana to approach her. They carefully carried her to their car and took her back to their house. They immediately called the vet to examine her.


The veterinarian suspected that the dog was malnourished, had infected blood, and was covered in ticks. But the vet also suspected that she was about to give birth at any moment. They named the dog Bea and provided her with a comfortable bed and plenty of food and water. After a day of rest, Bea went into labor. Associazione Ohana and her family were surprised to see that Bea gave birth to 10 beautiful puppies.


Day 2: Despite her illness, Bea was an excellent mother, carefully caring for her newborns, making sure they were all clean, warm, and well fed.

Day 8: 10 beautiful puppies have been carefully cared for, and their health is very good. They sleep well, drink a lot of milk.

Day 45: Everyone was injected with the 1st dose of the vaccine. 21 days later, they were administered the second dose of the vaccine.


Day 60: They even found loving homes for each of the puppies, but they knew they couldn’t let Bea go.

Bea had become part of their family, and they loved her very much. Even though she had been through so much, she was always kind and grateful for the care she had received. Associazione Ohana and her family made sure that Bea received the best medical care and all the love she deserved.

In the end, Bea made a full recovery and lived a long and happy life with Associazione Ohana and her family. She remained a wonderful, kind mother who had overcome so much and demonstrated the true meaning of resilience and unconditional love.

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