Pregnant and Abandoned: The Heartwarming Recovery of a Brave Survivor, Thanks to Her Heroes


The scenes of a pregnant street dog who suffered mistreatment while trying to find food until she gave birth to all her puppies, struck a chord with millions on the networks.

Although most people enjoy the company of a pet and, surely, the possibility of getting rid of their dog or cat does not even cross their minds, in some cases, the coexistence between people and animals is not always successful.

There are many furry ones who walk around helpless, rejected, sad and without someone to love them.

This is the story of a dog named Lisa, who was found lying on the road, on the cold asphalt, prey to human ignominy.
She was pregnant and, apparently, this did not matter to her alleged attacker, since she was seriously injured.

When she was found by an angelic child, the little girl did not even have enough strength to stand up, which made her rescue even more difficult.

Although the story of the pregnant and collapsed dog went viral, no one else came forward to help her.

When the angels of the pro-animal organization Dublin Shelter finally heard about the situation, it was already too late to save their little puppies. He lost them all, tragically and quietly, in the midst of his grief.

“A child found that a pregnant stray dog was attacked and thrown on the road. We rushed to meet her immediately, but could not find her. “Our volunteers continued looking for her and then we found her walking along the road,” the organization reported.

And this is the story of many beings like Lisa, without a voice, who experience the lack of love from the beings in whom they once trusted, believed, loved with all their being, and who then must deal with this type of situation.

“It seems that she had just given birth, but unfortunately she lost all her puppies, suffering from rectal prolapse and becoming depressed. “We were worried that she might run away if we approached her with food, but fortunately, the food caught her attention,” added a spokesperson for the organization.

Little by little, but with a lot of effort and a firm step, the group of volunteers approached the dog and managed to take her to safety, to help her in her rehabilitation. However, this was not easy.
It took a long process for it to start improving.
Fortunately, Lisa managed to be rescued and is in the process of recovery. Today it already shows unequivocal signs of clear improvement.
She feeds well, she is much calmer and little by little she is moving forward.

“She was extremely thin, dehydrated, weak and anemic, as a result of the abuse during pregnancy and the loss of the babies. Why would someone do that to this poor stray bitch? “Did they beat her just because she tried to find food for her babies?” commented the organization.

Of course, after having suffered such despicable cruelty, Lisa seemed scared, distrustful, always on the defensive. He refused to even hydrate himself, so the vital liquid was administered to him through a syringe.
Although the furry girl still has a long way to go to be in her ideal shape, she is beginning to show signs of being the bearer of an extraordinary personality. He even goes out for walks and exercises a little, enjoying the beauty of the love that was once denied him.
Enough of a world so indolent and merciless towards animals, but when harm is done to a pregnant furry girl, what more can we expect from humanity? Luckily, Lisa has all the love of her heroes willing to do anything until she fully recovers.

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