Yearning for Kindness: A Hungry Dog’s Tale Inside a Restaurant

Unfortunately, the streets of our cities are increasingly crowded with lonely and hungry dogs. These creatures not only need the basics of a re…


Unfortunately, the streets of our cities are increasingly crowded with lonely and hungry dogs. These creatures not only need the basics of a normal dog, but also a safe environment to live in.

So, feeding a dog in this scenario is an act of generosity that will not go unnoticed in our next narrative.

That’s exactly what Twitter user @SuavesLomitos intended to show and share with his followers in a post titled:

“How ugly it is to be hungry and not be able to say it”

How ugly it is to be hungry and not be able to say it

Lomitos Suavecitos (@SuavesLomitos) September 4, 2020

The post quickly went viral, with hundreds of reviews and more than 4,000 retweets.

It is also essential that we understand what signals stray animals seek to transmit to us, even if it is not an easy job for them. The look of a hungry stray dog, on the other hand, is something that not even the hardest of hearts can fail to notice.

As shown in the Tweet post, the poor hungry dog waited near the restaurant tables to “beg” for a bite of food, resting his head on each chair whose table had customers to see if someone would throw him some of the leftovers. .


At the time, the person who told this story was a customer angered by the acts of certain customers who refused to share their meager leftovers with the poor hungry dog.

The post captured the hearts of Internet users and many sent comments, showing that readers were inspired by the modest attitude of this hungry dog.

“How horrible it is to have five senses and not be able to perceive,” commented one user, criticizing the general lack of awareness.

However, another Internet user took the initiative to recommend that individuals always carry a bag of croquettes with them so as not to go hungry wherever they go in these situations. They can also share extras with another hungry person, human or not.

“It’s a good idea to carry a bag of kibble on hand.” “I know it would be preferable to rescue them or take them to a shelter, but when circumstances are restricted, like in my situation, even a little love and a little food would be fantastic,” said one Twitter user.


Even a woman who recognized the little dog said that she had been by his side and that she had bought him some tacos every time she saw him. That generosity, without a doubt, protects these homeless people from going hungry… It should be the top priority.

However, it is important to note that although feeding a hungry stray dog is a wonderful gesture, it should be done anyway.

The dog has been hungry and its stomach may not be prepared for a specific food or a large meal. It is vital to know how to care for it so that it does not deteriorate further. Look at this furry friend; his ribs definitely show signs of hunger.

Please share this story. Hopefully we can help someone not only feed him but also adopt him and give him the love he deserves.

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